Central Montana Prospectors
Central Montana Prospectors

Lincoln Gold Panning

           When my son and I discovered prospecting as a joint past time of enjoyment in 2015 we joined a club so we could prospect on their claim as the opportunity came with membership. Through trials and tribulations we discovered the fact that we didn’t really need a club to belong to in order to pursue opportunities to prospect in Montana. And certainly after putting together exploration schedules we have learned a lot about prospecting in Montana.




          One of the big elements is that the rivers and streams are open to us all. So when you consider taking a trip anywhere, pulling over by the roadside whether you are look for a place to camp or picnic the nearby stream can be lucrative.

          That’s what Taigen Pyne, our web designer, found when he was coming home from his trip to Seattle. Thirty miles outside of Lincoln, MT proved to be the best spot because black sands were everywhere in the creek bed and that means gold is nearby, and especially when the base of the creek bed is impossible to dig in because you are down to bedrock.




         There were many indications that this happenstance campground found as a pullout was the perfect place to pan for gold:

·       The creek bed was a natural sluice with its flow of the river

·       The gold pan filled with black sands immediately

·       The accessibility of the water to the campground for work tables

·       The terrain was complimentary for the entire family to participate

·       The area was state land meaning it is not private & inaccessible.

·       The danger of animals in remote areas was diminished

·       The area was not crowded with other prospectors

·       The excitement that you are close to a gold nugget stimulates you



          So if you would rather not go to a prospecting club meeting on Stemple Pass which is destined to discuss the issues with the Forest Service trying to take out their culvert and how to maintain the integrity of their claim, you might consider going to this nearby campground in the Lincoln area for gold panning this weekend. It has great possibilities and good opportunities to try your luck at panning. It has all the elements of possible good gold discoveries.




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© Central Montana Prospectors Coalition, Site Created & Written By Alma Winberry